Alcyone is a speculative fiction and poetry magazine edited by Mandi Jourdan, Sarah Jilek, and Justin Gordon.


Mandi Jourdan studied English and Classics at Southern Illinois University, where she is currently working toward an MFA in Fiction. She is the author of Lacrimosa (2017), Veritas, (2018), Shadows of the Mind, (2018), The Silenced (2017), Immortal Dissent (2017), and Warhawks (2017), among numerous other publications. She wrote and performed in two adaptations of the Harry Potter books in the style of Shakespeare. The Shadows of the Mind podcast based on her novel series is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and other major platforms. When not writing science-fiction and fantasy and listening to eighties rock, she spends time with her cats, Leo, Sera, and Vanessa. She can be found on Amazon, on Twitter (@MandiJourdan), or at

author photoSarah Jilek is a third-year MFA candidate in fiction at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in AlcyoneIllinois’ Emerging WritersTough, and Switchblade: Stiletto Heeled, which was nominated for Best Mystery Stories 2019. She is a co-writer for the narrative podcast Locker 13, and her voice has featured on the podcast Dear Murder Street. She has read at Noir at the Bar in St. Louis and at several other bars in the Southern Illinois area. She enjoys reading in bars.


justinJustin Gordon has written several short stories and scripts. He draws inspiration from Tarantino and Kevin Smith. He fancies himself as gritty and darkly humoristic in his works, and very rarely does he write a character with a good moral center. His work has appeared in Whatever Our Souls.